Flowing Beyond Boundaries: The Future of Process Engineering with Thermoplastic Pumps

The process engineering industry has several compelling reasons to consider the use of thermoplastic pumps, which offer distinct advantages compared to traditional metal pumps in various applications.

Some of the key reasons for considering thermoplastic pumps in the process engineering industry include:

Chemical Resistance: Thermoplastic pumps are highly resistant to a wide range of corrosive chemicals, acids, and bases. They can withstand the attack of aggressive substances, making them ideal for industries that handle
hazardous or corrosive fluids, such as chemical processing, petrochemicals, and wastewater treatment.

Corrosion Resistance: Unlike metal pumps, which can corrode over time, thermoplastic pumps do not rust or corrode. This property ensures a longer service life and reduces maintenance and replacement costs, particularly in
aggressive environments.

Lightweight Construction: Thermoplastic pumps are generally lighter than metal pumps. This can simplify installation, reduce structural support requirements, and make them easier to handle and transport. It’s especially advantageous for applications with weight restrictions or in offshore settings.

Energy Efficiency: Many thermoplastic pumps are designed for high-efficiency operation, which can result in energy savings and reduced operational costs. The lightweight nature of these pumps also contributes to energy efficiency.

Non-Toxic and Hygienic: Certain thermoplastic materials are suitable for applications that require non-toxic and hygienic handling of fluids, making them valuable in the food, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries.

Reduced Noise Emission: Thermoplastic pumps often operate more quietly than metal pumps, reducing noise pollution in industrial settings and improving the work environment.

Easy Maintenance: Thermoplastic pumps are typically easier to maintain due to their non-corrosive properties and simpler construction. This can lead to lower maintenance costs and less downtime.

Customisation: Many thermoplastic pumps can be easily customized to meet specific application requirements, such as flow rates, pressure ranges, and materials of construction.

Reduced Heat Transfer: Thermoplastic materials have lower thermal conductivity compared to metals. This feature can be beneficial when handling temperature-sensitive fluids or when insulation is necessary to prevent heat transfer.

Safety: Thermoplastic pumps can enhance safety in applications involving hazardous or flammable substances. They are less likely to generate sparks or static electricity, reducing the risk of accidents.

Environmental Benefits: Some thermoplastic materials are recyclable, which reduces their environmental impact. Additionally, using thermoplastics instead of metals can contribute to a lower carbon footprint.

Cost-Effectiveness: While thermoplastic pumps may have a higher initial cost compared to some metal pumps, their long-term cost-effectiveness due to reduced maintenance and longer lifespans often makes them a more
economical choice.

In summary, the process engineering industry benefits from the use of thermoplastic pumps due to their excellent chemical resistance, corrosion resistance, lightweight design, energy efficiency, safety features, and lower maintenance requirements. These advantages make thermoplastic pumps a valuable asset in a wide range of applications where the handling of aggressive or challenging fluids is a primary concern.