Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Every wetted component in a Vanton SUMP-GARD vertical pump, including the heavy-wall shaft sleeve is offered in PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF, and other non-metallic materials compatible with the pumped fluid. This eliminates corrosion and minimises abrasion, resulting in lower maintenance, longer pump life, and contamination-free products. SG pumps are configured for sumps to 15 metres (50 ft) deep, and handle flows to 330 m3/hr (1450 gpm), heads to 85 metres (245 ft), and temperatures to 135°C (275°F).
SUMP-GARD pumps are ideal for the transfer and treatment of process fluids, plant effluents, and industrial or municipal water and waste streams. They are available with vortex pump heads to pass sludges, slurries, and stringy materials as well as fluids with solids to 75mm ( 3 inches) in diameter.

SGW vertical pump for semiconductor and OEM applications – 01
The SGW centrifugal pump is a very compact, low-cost unit engineered for use with standard C-face motors, and designed for simple washdown of the motor area without contaminating the pumped product. It is ideal for OEM applications due to its high reliability, long service life, and low maintenance. It is the preferred choice for computer chip and water production, printed circuit board fabrication, and other processes involving ultrapure water and chemicals. Rated for flows to 50 m3/hr (220 gpm) at heads to 38 metres (125 ft), lengths to 0.56 metres (22 inches).

SGV vortex pump head for sludges, slurries and solids laden fluids – 02
Vanton SUMP-GARD pumps with recessed, dynamically balanced clog-free impellers are suitable for a wide range of sludges and slurries, and fluids with stringy materials or solids to 75mm (3 inches) in diameter. Wetted components of homogeneous thermoplastics eliminate corrosion and contamination and minimise abrasion. SGV pumps are rated for flows to 205 m3/hr (900 gpm) at heads to 73 metres (240 ft), with actual performance determined by the characteristics of the fluid being pumped.

Showing rugged, ribbed column construction, moulded casing, and impeller and thick sectioned thermoplastic sleeve isolating the stainless steel shaft from fluid contact.

SGK cantilevered bearingless pump has dry run capability – 04
Vanton SGK cantilevered sump pumps feature a large diameter, plastic-sleeved, alloy steel shaft that eliminates the need for immersed bearings or bushings, allowing run-dry operation for extended periods. Rugged epoxy-coated cast iron motor bracket accommodates NEMA, IEC, and standard European motors. Lengths to 2 metres (6 ft) (deeper with tailpipe), flows to 227 m3/hr (1000 gpm) at heads to 64 metres (210 ft)

SGL “Giraffe” design overcomes depth and headroom restrictions – 05
The patented construction of these thermoplastic sump pumps keeps all wetted components, including the segmented shaft sections and couplings, isolated from fluid contact. It simplifies and reduces costs associated with shipping, installation, and maintenance. In addition, it makes lengths to 15 metres (50 ft), practical, and allows installation in areas with limited headroom. The pumps handle flows to 330 m3/hr (1450 gpm) against heads to 85 metres (245 ft), and are available in the same choice of materials as standard SG pumps.