Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps
These heavy-duty and rugged horizontal centrifugal pumps are designed, engineered, and constructed to handle corrosive, abrasive, and other aggressive fluids and those liquids that must remain free of metallic contamination. CHEM-GARD pumps are available in a wide selection of thermoplastic and in ANSI/ISO2858, self-priming, close-coupled, and integral pump/shaft motor designs. Their unique sliding front bearing design assures minimum shaft overhang, simplifies maintenance, and allows all mechanical seals to be utilised. Vanton’s unique reverse-mounted seal arrangement avoids metal contact with the fluid and eliminates the need for exotic metal seals. Rated for flows to 330 m3/hr (1450 gpm), heads to 122 metres (400 ft), and for use at temperatures to 135°C (275°F).
Armored construction, moulded plastic casing and impeller, and easy-access seal with sliding bar pedestal design to simplify maintenance.
Standard construction materials include PVC, UPVC, PP PVDF and ECTFE.

CGV vortex pumps handle solids-laden liquids and slurries – 01
All Vanton CHEM-GARD pumps are available with recessed, dynamically balanced impellers, custom sizes and trimmed to suit the shapes, dimensions and physical properties of included solids. CGV pumps are rated for flows to 205 m3/hr (900 gpm) at heads to 73 metres (240 ft), with performance for individual applications dependent on the characteristics of the fluid handled. They can be furnished in the full line of thermoplastics and are designed for clog-free pumping of fluids with soft, hard or stringy materials – even with solids to 75mm (3 inches) in diameter.

PG PRIME-Gard pump is self-priming – 02
This heavy-duty, self-priming, centrifugal pump handles flows to 40m3/hr (175 gpm), making it ideal for acid buggies, sump and tank evacuation, and emergency overload pumping. It is often specified for in-line pump service where headroom prevents the use of vertical pumps, and other applications where self-priming from depths to 4.6 metres (15 ft), may be required. These pumps are available in the full line of homogeneous thermoplastics, and the pedestals are inter-changeable with all standard CHEM-GARD models.

CG thermoplastic centrifugal pump is metal armored – 03
The Vanton CHEM-GARD CG design was the first horizontal centrifugal pump engineered from inception to utilise the unique characteristics of thermoplastics. It is not a metal pump made of non-metallics. Design features include molded plastic components, tangential discharge, wide open seal area and retractable front bearing to simplify maintenance and accommodate all popular mechanical seals.

CGM sealless ANSI centrifugals feature magnetic drive – 04
Vanton magnetically driven ANSI pumps are ideal for handling corrosive, and hazardous fluids. They are constructed with a dual non-metallic containment can assembly: PTFE for the inner can in contact with the process liquid, backed by a rugged FRP outer can. This innovative design minimises troublesome eddy currents. The pump conforms to Hydraulic Institute Standards and offers an air cooled, dry running, tertiary seal. Flows to 102m3/hr (450 gpm), heads to 85 metres (280 ft)

CGA centrifugal meet ANSI and ISO standards for process pumps – 05
These end suction pumps combine centreline discharge and back pullout construction with the CHEM-GARD wide open seal, sliding bar pedestal design.They meet ISO2858 & ANSI B-73.1 international process pump standards. Metal armoring of the plastic casing and flanges enables these thermoplastic pumps to handle the same nozzle loadings as metal pumps.